FADED - Audrey Chuks

I remember;
When pride and ego hit me big,
I drifted apart from the person I really wanted to be,
It was nothing intentional, but my actions just became all about me,
Hurt the ones I loved most and the ones who loved me,
Yet this was something I couldn't see.
You stretched out your hand, hoping fore to reach,
But then my superbia had eaten all I could feel.

My claims to be perfect was something I couldn't ditch,
Some came to offer advise, other even offered to teach,
To teach me what it meant to understand how others feel,
But as for me, my pride was just at its highest peak.

I remember;
When you held me down, trying to apologize,
Begging and crying, yet all I thought to do was criticize,
I think it was at this moment you realized,
That pride was a character I might never let go.

We slowly began to drift apart, 
You went in search of your own path
Making sure that, like oil and water, our paths would never mix.

I only began to see the scar my pride had left me,
So to my ego I had to let go,
No matter the cost,
I never realized the pain my pride had made you feel,
All I knew was that you were just the one for me.

Knowing there was no going back in the phased we had reached,
I sought and found sanctuary in the arms of a witch,
Each time I tried to leave,
I was held back by my supposed choice to heal.

My desire to fill the void you left, has dragged me down this road of pill,
And now I realize that I had gone all wrong.
Now looking back with the emptiness inside of me,
Reaching out to a greater source ahead of me,
But truly the person you wanted me to be has FADED.

Written by Audrey_Chuks™

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