Lost in the fabrics of time
And trying my possible best to rhyme
Looking for a sweet taste like curry and thyme
To complement this complex world of mine

This man, blessed and redeemed a child of the LORD
And saved from the horrors of the dying world
But still with his problems like a heavy log
This guy sure wants to please HIS GOD

But take a good look deeper
And search the treasures that lie within
What really makes you bother
And what is that, that lies in between?

Surrounded by an environment that celebrates sin like a Christmas present
And filled with resources to terminate ones faith at any moment
That's his own kind of world
And that's his present place of abode
So like #Inspiratio says, he's "Terrified"
Scared of failure, that he has classified
Failure to live up to what was specified
And to do so much as to be satisfied

This young man wants to be better by far
And be "Just the way HE created me" as written by Marvel Star
He tries his best to work as much
And be just perfect with his every touch

The task at hand looks almost endless
And as such just like £hiz he finds himself "Breathless"
He seems to be stuck by the hooks
Of the struggle and fight for how he looks
And feeling "Alone" like #Audrey_Chuks
He tries to know more by merely reading books

But the affections eclipsed by the trials of the world
Try to break out and express it's very form
This is a guy seeking desperately for love
Looking for hope just to hang on

He seeks for one to call his own
So he masks himself with many colognes
"The scent from this should do the trick"
But unfortunately it's just another hard brick

Who then did Vhi call "My phantom, my love"
Is that still true or is it one of those things I have lost?

Indeed I am lost in the fabrics of time
And trying my possible best to rhyme
Trying to rhyme in a world of no rhythm
Trying to blend with every form of optimism

But why try so hard to get what has been freely given?
Why search so hard for what has been revealed
My dear, open your eyes to see what has happened
Even if it was a gate it has now been opened

The entrance is free all you need is believe
Like I said its a gift that you too can receive
I know a person whose love is without conditions
Who is waiting for you with undying passion

Why I won't talk too much so I don't seem like a liar
After all they say experience is the best teacher
But just in case you desire the number
Hit me up and I'll connect you two together

The person I'm talking about is more than I can say
That's the answer to all your heartaches
The panadol to all your headaches
The cure to all your stomach aches
And a specialist in dealing with pain

Trust me you wouldn't regret it
But first you've got to make a move
Run to those arms and behold that face
And I can assure you, you are gonna be safe

King Davey™

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