I could see myself drifting away
Far from that heart warming feeling I get when I see your face
Far from the feeling of joy you bring my way
Far from being right there in our secret place

It is hurting I must say
And right now I do feel the pain
The pain of leaving your very side
And missing your ever welcoming smile

As the tears run down my eyes
Free flowing like the waterfalls
I wish I were right there in your presence
To see you and hear your wonderful accent

Oh, I can't hold back anymore
My feelings are gushing out like water from the rock
I want to run and catch you
And feel your embrace like I used to

I want to meet you once again
I want to feel once again
I want to love you once again
And I want to embrace you again

I miss you, yes I do
Every moment we are apart
Feels like eternity on my part
I wish I could stay with you
Every moment, every time

Dear LOVE, I want you to know
You captivate my spirit and soul
You make me want to go
Deeper and deeper into this flow

Why you chose me I cannot tell
But I must say that I indeed fell
The moment I heard, it made me yell
This must be a joke one was trying to sell

I don't want to disappoint
Neither do I want to prove a point
I just want to reciprocate
A love just so great

Help me love you more
Help me cherish you more
Cause I love you
And I know you do too


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