STEREOTYPES - David Etiosa


Since time immemorial
People have always sought
To be like others

Not wanting to be original
Not to be one of a sort
But diminishing their individual wonder

They feel left out
When not following the social order
When not looking like the crowd

Wanting to look like the lot
They immerse their minds in disdain
Wanting to be part of the social cloud

Liking the things that are "happening"
They feel they must do
Whatever it takes to be like the rest

Though the things may be demanding
They try everything possible
Instead of being their very best

Forgetting the hard truth that
It's someone else's style
That they're trying to copy

Failing to see that
Someone made up their mind
Not to become a phony

They feel those at the top
Got there being "common"
Or longed to be like the next person

Believing the lies they tell themselves
They delve into the business of
Conforming to the image of the next person

Still having the hysteria of "not fitting in"
Things start to get critical
They become fanatics of the "happening people"

They start to lose regard for their own style
Thinking they must do any and everything
Just to fit in; they run into trouble

They start getting into some atrocious things
Telling themselves "they can get away with it"
They go deeper into their bogus acts

Lost in their new found world
Of being a copy of someone
They are finally satisfied and relaxed

But it doesn't last for long
Cuz those being copied
Tend to change their styles

They therefore become "a thing of the past"
In their own minds though,
Wanting the new happening style

And the circle continues
It becomes a norm
It becomes their way of life

They've conditioned their minds
To be copies of people
And engrafted deceit into the core of their life

Doing this
They tell themselves that they're living "the life"
Whereas, they're living a lie

Wallowing in gross darkness
They deceive themselves that
They are "the light"

But there shall come a time
When their personality would be tested
And their self-esteem tried

There shall come a time
When the odds would be against them
And their self-worth would be required

But, having lived their lives
As copies and phoneys
Lost in their fallacious attitudinal paradise

They are back to square one
And finally coming to their senses
They realize they've lived their lives as stereotypes.

Written by David Etiosa

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